
Although many outsiders hardly think it possible: There are some sombrely dressed gothic figures who are Christians. They regularly and gladly go to church and even get involved in the community. At first glance, the outfit and Christianity contradict each other, especially when you think of upside-down crosses and mystical symbols. However, goths do not necessarily use these symbols for a deeper meaning, but sometimes simply to create an ambience. Nevertheless, convinced Christians will probably refrain from using the Cross of Peter (the upside-down cross) as a decorative symbol.

Because of deep-seated prejudices, Christian groups repeatedly try to convert the supposed Satan disciples to the faith at Gothic festivals. Especially at the Wave Gotik Treffen in Leipzig, outsiders distribute corresponding leaflets in the pedestrian zone and participants of the festival are insistently approached about God. In 2019, there was a "March for Jesus" during the WGT. In response, the goths organised a "March for Satan", which may be viewed with a wink.

If you make the effort and take a look at the scene beyond the prejudices, you will find Gothic church services at the WGT, for example, which give a whole new meaning to the term "Black Mass". In general, one can say that the black scene is not a community that meets on a religious level. There are as many religions in the subculture as in normal society. Christianity is of course one of them.